Drop-downs on Forms embedded via iFrame not working as expected in Chrome
Incident Report for FormAssembly
Please note that Chromium has resolved this bug. Updating Chrome to the most recent version will resolve the issue. This will become resolved in additional browsers as those codebases are updated with the new Chromium fix.

At approximately 11:15 am ET on Dec 2nd, the team became aware of concerns that iFrame embedded forms on Chrome were not displaying as expected. After review, the team has confirmed this is a result of a Chrome regression released in their most recent Chromium update. {https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1395079}

While we await an update from Chrome, current workarounds include:
1. utilizing an alternative publishing method to publish your form {https://help.formassembly.com/help/publishing-options}
2. adding a message to your form/website asking respondents to use a browser other than Chrome for the time being

Please note that the Chromium codebase is widely used by many other browsers. Therefore browsers like Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc which are based on that codebase are experiencing similar issues.
Posted Dec 02, 2022 - 12:00 EST